At some point we’ve all wanted to REDO something in our life, whether it was something small or something major. I think we can all agree we’re not perfect. So REDO for me is more of a everyday lifestyle mentality. In life we are given choices, and sometimes the wrong choice can lead us down a path that’s not so good and we wake up wondering how did we get here? When you can control it, try not to find yourself in a situation where you might want a REDO or need a REDO. So for me, it’s more of a REDO mentality. Make the effort to be better and be disciplined everyday. It’s never too late to make the right changes in your life to better yourself and the closest people around you. God loves you and wants the best for you but also gives us the choice to make the ultimate decision.
REDO; If you were given one, would you make it count?
Acts 2:38
Everyone who comes to Him can receive another chance at a better, eternal life, by believing in His Son Jesus Christ and washing away their sins through repentance and baptism in His name (Acts 2:38)

To me, REDO can mean something different almost daily. Whether I am waking up in the morning after having a bad day the day before and choosing to have a positive mindset for the day. To not let anything alter my attitude. Or, making life decisions for myself or my family and learning from past decisions I may have already made that didn’t go how I intended. Or being faced with a situation you may not have been proud of how you handled when faced with it before and choosing to go about it a different way this time.
As parents, we are all learning as we go on how to raise our kids right to be ready for life on their own when the time comes, as well as being good people that treat others right and do the right things in life. Teaching them that we all fail at times and that’s ok, but how do we react to failure? Or how do we react when bad things happen? We can’t control how people treat us or when bad things happen that impact us negatively, but what we can control is how we respond. I try my best to live this way and to teach my kids to live this way. Do I fail at times? Yes! But, I am thankful and try to make the most of it when I am able to get a REDO.
I guess to me, REDO means to never give up, to try and stay positive, no matter the situation, no matter how many times you may have failed. Get back up off the ground and REDO it again and again until you get the outcome you wanted.
“You can come back from anything no matter how bad you think the situation is. It's all about your mindset.” -unknown
Isaiah 43:18 states, “Do not call to mind the former things, or consider things of the past.” Here God tells the Israelites that resetting is an opportunity for them to look for him to do brand-new things and not to get stuck in old paradigms and ways of doing things.
-A divine reset. Point Magazine Sept 2021
Dr. Michael L. Henderson
Vice President of National Ministries